High Wire Games - ​(Nov 2023 - Present)
Senior Animator
Responsible gameplay animations and cutscenes.
Programs Used: Motion Builder, Unreal Engine
Blur Studio - ​(July 2023 - Nov 2023)
Responsible for high fidelity animation work inside the Unreal Engine.
Programs Used: Unreal Engine 5.1
Halon Entertainment - ​(Oct 2022 - April 2023)
Lead Animator
Responsible for leading a team of animators on a finals animation project for cutscenes and in game cinematics. Oversee and
give feedback to other animators.
Programs Used: Maya, Motion Builder, Unreal Engine 5.1
Playstation Studios - ​(March 2021 - August 2022)
Responsible for motion capture clean up and final animation polish for cutscenes and in game actions.
Everything from Assembly to 2nd pass final animation
Projects: God of War Ragnarok, Callisto Protocol,
Programs Used: Motion Builder, Shotgun
Halon Entertainment - ​(March 2019 - March 2021)
Responsible for motion capture clean up and final animation polish for cutscenes and in game cinematics, trailers and pre vis.
Projects: Borderlands 3 E3 Trailer, Disintegration Trailer, Disintegration Cutscenes, The Batman, Fortnite Trailers
Programs Used: Maya, Motion Builder, Unreal Engine
Rouge Mocap - ​(April 2018 - March 2019)
Responsible for motion capture clean up and key frame animation for all sorta of different style projects.
Programs Used: Motion Builder, Maya
Counterpunch Studios - ​(Jan-Feb 2019)
Responsible for motion capture clean up and key frame animation for final cut-scenes.
Title: Mortal Kombat 11
Programs Used: Maya
Rockstar Games - ​(Oct 2012 - Oct 2017)
Responsible for motion capture clean up and key frame animation inside of motion builder.
game engine.
Programs Used: Motion Builder, In-House Rockstar Tools and Game Engine
Title: Grand Theft Auto 5
Renkewitz Studios - (Nov 2010 – Sept 2011)​​​
Freelance Animator​
Responsible for Key frame animation in Maya over existing motion capture data. Key framed facial performances as well as ​
cleaning up motion data.
Programs Used: Maya
​​Title: Dead Island Announcement Trailer​
​​Idol Minds - Denver, CO​ ​(Sep 2011 – March 2012)​
Key frame animation in Maya. Animated monsters and creatures for a social action RPG. Created simple character idles ​
to finishing moves and complex action sequences and combo attacks. Had one of the greatest times of my career!
​Programs Used: Maya​
Title: RUIN (Warriors Lair) PS3 – Vita
​​​​​​​​​​​​​Acony Games - Villigen, Germany (Nov 2010 – Sept 2011)​
Key frame animation in Softimage. Created 1st and 3rd person weapon reloads and created all of the main cycles ​
used in the game, Idles Walks, Runs Crouching cycles. Also animated creatures for unique game modes. Edited and
implemented Animation Trees using the Unreal Engine.
Title: Hedone
​​Eurocom - Mackworth,Derby UK (April 2010 - July 2010)​
Worked remotely from home in Maya animating the final cut scenes. Key frame animation and polish over motion ​
capture data. Also worked on background characters
Programs Used: Maya 2011
Title Worked on >> Goldeneye 007
​Activision/Shaba Games - San Francisco, CA (June 2009 ~ Dec 2009)
Promoted from Intern to full time Animator. Responsible for key frame animation and ​cleaning up motion capture data
for in game actions and sequences.
​House of Moves - Los Angeles, CA (Feb 2009 ~ April 2009)
Responsible for cleaning up motion capture data. Key frame animation over mocap data ​to be delivered to various
studios. Also responsible for retargeting and solving data.
Programs Used: Maya and Motion Builder
Titles Worked on >> Uncharted 2 - Saboteur - Chadam and Undisclosed Wrestling Game
Montecito Fine Arts - Monrovia, CA (March 2008 - June 2009)
3d Animation Instructor
Responsible for teaching the fundamentals of animation as well as creating a new ​curriculum for the 3d Department.
Assisted in critiquing and reviewing graduate portfolios and demo reels.
Programs Taught: Maya
Novint Technologies - Santa Fe, NM (Feb 2006 Aug 2007)
Character Animator
Created creature animation as well as developing a full facial rig inside 3ds Max.
Title: Newton’s Monkey Business​​​
Animation Mentor (Feb 2008 - Jan 2010)​
Diploma in the Advanced Studies of Character Animation​
Mentored By:​
Jay Jackson (Disney) - Nicole Herr (Sony Pictures) - Martin Hopkins (Dreamworks)​
Michelle Meeker (Pixar) - Steve Cady (Blue Castle Games) - Cal Brunker (House of Cool)
The Art Institute of Colorado (Aug 2003 - Dec 2007)​
Bachelors Degree in Media Arts & Animation​
​Awards & Accomplishments
Certificate of Excellence - Graduating Demo Reel (Art Institute of Colorado 2007)
Honorable Mention for Graduating Portfolio (Art Institute of Colorado 2007)
Animation Lecture at Purdue University (March 2010)
Animation Lecture on 3 separate occasions at The Art Institute of Colorado 2007 – 2010​
Front Page at www.3dTotal.com (Digital Painting Tutorial)

- Professionally trained in the 12 principles of animation​​
- Over 10 shipped games​
- Motion Builder Experience 10+ years
- Facial Animation ​
- Cut Scene Experience
- Real Time Unreal Engine Workflows
- Collaborative during production​
- Experience mentoring and leading others
- Traditional drawing and video editing