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High Wire Games - ​(Nov 2023 - Present)

Senior Animator 

Responsible gameplay animations and cutscenes.

Programs Used: Motion Builder, Unreal Engine


Blur Studio - ​(July 2023 - Nov 2023)


Responsible for high fidelity animation work inside the Unreal Engine. 

Programs Used: Unreal Engine 5.1


Halon Entertainment - ​(Oct 2022 - April 2023)

Lead Animator 

Responsible for leading a team of animators on a finals animation project for cutscenes and in game cinematics. Oversee and

give feedback to other animators. 

Programs Used: Maya, Motion Builder, Unreal Engine 5.1


Playstation Studios - ​(March 2021 - August 2022)


Responsible for motion capture clean up and final animation polish for cutscenes and in game actions.

Everything from Assembly to 2nd pass final animation

Projects: God of War Ragnarok, Callisto Protocol, 

Programs Used: Motion Builder, Shotgun


Halon Entertainment - ​(March 2019 - March 2021)


Responsible for motion capture clean up and final animation polish for cutscenes and in game cinematics, trailers and pre vis. 

Projects: Borderlands 3 E3 Trailer, Disintegration Trailer, Disintegration Cutscenes, The Batman, Fortnite Trailers

Programs Used: Maya, Motion Builder, Unreal Engine


Rouge Mocap - ​(April 2018 - March 2019)


Responsible for motion capture clean up and key frame animation for all sorta of different style projects.

Programs Used: Motion Builder, Maya


Counterpunch Studios - ​(Jan-Feb 2019)


Responsible for motion capture clean up and key frame animation for final cut-scenes. 

Title: Mortal Kombat 11

Programs Used: Maya 


Rockstar Games - ​(Oct 2012 - Oct 2017)


Responsible for motion capture clean up and key frame animation inside of motion builder. 

game engine. 

Programs Used: Motion Builder, In-House Rockstar Tools and Game Engine

Title: Grand Theft Auto 5


Renkewitz Studios  - (Nov 2010 – Sept 2011)​​​
Freelance Animator​
Responsible for Key frame animation in Maya over existing motion capture data. Key framed facial performances as well as

cleaning up motion data. 

Programs Used: Maya

​​Title: Dead Island Announcement Trailer​


​​Idol Minds - Denver, CO​  ​(Sep 2011 –  March 2012)​

Key frame animation in Maya. Animated monsters and creatures for a social action RPG. Created simple character idles

to finishing moves and complex action sequences and combo attacks. Had one of the greatest times of my career!

​Programs Used: Maya​

Title: RUIN (Warriors Lair) PS3 – Vita

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Acony Games - Villigen, Germany   (Nov 2010 – Sept 2011)​
Key frame animation in Softimage. Created 1st and 3rd person weapon reloads and created all of the main cycles

used in the game, Idles Walks, Runs Crouching cycles. Also animated creatures for unique game modes. Edited and

implemented Animation Trees using the Unreal Engine.

Title: Hedone


​​Eurocom - Mackworth,Derby UK   (April 2010 - July 2010)​

Worked remotely from home in Maya animating the final cut scenes. Key frame animation and polish over motion

capture data. Also worked on background characters

Programs Used: Maya 2011

Title Worked on >> Goldeneye 007


​Activision/Shaba Games -  San Francisco, CA    (June 2009 ~ Dec 2009)
Promoted from Intern to full time Animator. Responsible for key frame animation and
​cleaning up motion capture data

for in game actions and sequences. 


​House of Moves - Los Angeles, CA   (Feb 2009 ~ April 2009) 

Responsible for cleaning up motion capture data. Key frame animation over mocap data
​to be delivered to various

studios. Also responsible for retargeting and solving data.
Programs Used: Maya and Motion Builder
Titles Worked on >> Uncharted 2 - Saboteur - Chadam and Undisclosed Wrestling Game


Montecito Fine Arts - Monrovia, CA   (March 2008 - June 2009)
3d Animation Instructor
Responsible for teaching the fundamentals of animation as well as creating a new
​curriculum for the 3d Department.

Assisted in critiquing and reviewing graduate portfolios and demo reels.

Programs Taught: Maya



Novint Technologies - Santa Fe, NM   (Feb 2006  Aug 2007)

Character Animator
Created creature animation as well as developing a full facial rig inside 3ds Max.
Title: Newton’s Monkey Business






















Animation Mentor  (Feb 2008 - Jan 2010)​
Diploma in the Advanced Studies of Character Animation

Mentored By:​
Jay Jackson (Disney) - Nicole Herr (Sony Pictures) - Martin Hopkins (Dreamworks)

Michelle Meeker (Pixar) - Steve Cady (Blue Castle Games) - Cal Brunker (House of Cool)


The Art Institute of Colorado  (Aug 2003 - Dec 2007)​
Bachelors Degree in Media Arts & Animation​



​Awards & Accomplishments

Certificate of Excellence  - Graduating Demo Reel (Art Institute of Colorado 2007)
Honorable Mention for Graduating Portfolio (Art Institute of Colorado 2007) 
Animation Lecture at Purdue University  (March 2010)
Animation Lecture on 3 separate occasions at The Art Institute of Colorado 2007 – 2010

Front Page at (Digital Painting Tutorial)

- Professionally trained in the 12 principles of      animation​​


- Over 10 shipped games​


- Motion Builder Experience 10+ years

- Facial Animation ​


- Cut Scene Experience


- Real Time Unreal Engine Workflows

- Collaborative during production​


- Experience mentoring and leading others


- Traditional drawing and video editing

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